Workplace Politics

Workplace Politics

Negative political behaviour in the workplace is known to be destructive, debilitating and demoralising - and yet Workplace Politics is one of the least openly discussed, formally taught and positively treated topics in Organisational life.

The Political Savvy Profile (PSP) ® was designed to address this global political skills development gap by providing a practical political development tool that would enable people to develop Positive Political Practitioner skills, so that they can create - for both themselves and others - happier and healthier Organisational work cultures, structure, careers and job roles.

The 20 page A4 Political Savvy Profile ® is available in both Digital and Paper-based formats and the 52 page A4 PSP ® Facilitator Guidebook is available in a Paper-based format.

To find out more about each booklet in the Workplace Politics series'Click' on the workbook images below.

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